Are you ready for a new experience unlike anything you have done before!?

We want you to join us for our next Mexico Impact Experience where we bring entrepreneurs and leaders down to Ensenada Mexico to build a house for a family in need.

It's the perfect mix of

✅ Self Development
✅ Business Networking
✅ Philanthropic Work
✅ Leadership Training

This is the perfect way for you to get out of our comfort zone and lean into the impact you want to make in the world.


Got Questions? Find Your Answers Below!

What is the investment?

The investment is only $2,500 and it includes your food, travel, and donation from SanDiego down to Ensenada and back.

You will be responsible for making sure you get down to San Diego and home.

Who is this for?

This is for business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders who want to take create a lifetime experience of helping build a house for a family in need.

Who do you partner with?

We partner with The Impact MVMT 501c3 to ensure all of the logistics are organized with the family, the build, the house, and travel.

They build 5-6 houses a year and have been doing these builds for over 10 years now!

What discounts do you offer?

We offer discounts to non-profits and members of our Impact Circle Lifetime Membership. If you are interested in being apart of the membership, please let contact us and let us know!

Where do we sleep?

We sleep in a beach house that sleeps 60+ people with bunkbeds. We hire local cooks and cleaners to prepare all of our food and clean the houses as part of the experience. It allows us to facilitate trainings in the comfort of our own house without having to work around any public.

Do I need building experience?

Not at all! 80% of the people that came on our last build had never even swung a hammer before. We do multiple outreach programs like packing food bags and giving them to migration camps or playing sports with the local families. You will love learning construction and also being a part of different out reach programs!